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my 2020 goals

Writer's picture: goosegoose

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

So here we go, 2020, a new decade. To me, this decade seems like a pretty major one, like I’ll finish my degree, hopefully be in a job I love, could move out my family home, marriage, kids?? Okay, scary. But as always, many people go with the ‘new year, new me’ attitude. Usually I don’t make resolutions because I end up forgetting them a few months down the line. However, this year I want to make some goals (I think) I’ll be able to achieve. I’m aiming for things I’ve thought about doing throughout 2019, and now I want to actually complete them. Recently, I’ve been learning more about manifestation and how your thoughts and your energy can soon become your reality. These are things I’ve been thinking about and how I want to complete them at some point in my life, but first, let’s focus on what I want to complete in 2020.

In no particular order, here are my 2020 resolutions:

1. Get my fitness back to what it once was.

Stereotypical fitness and exercise resolution I know. Don’t get me wrong, I was never the biggest gym bunny, but I did used to do a lot more exercise than I do now. This year I want to start doing daily exercise challenges again. Literally just little things like 30 day ab challenge and making sure I actually complete it. I’m not going to say I’m going to join the gym and go every single day because I know I wouldn’t do that. I’m starting small and building my fitness level up.

2. Travel.

This year I would really like to travel to quite a lot of places. Me and my boyfriend, Ethan, are planning on going interrailing around Europe in the summer and I couldn’t be more excited. I do also want to travel more around the UK and go visit more of my friends at uni because I feel like I actually haven’t been to many places in the country.

3. Say no more often.

I know most people usually go for the ‘say yes’ approach to things, but this past year I’ve realised doing that has led me to doing things I didn’t really want to just to make someone else happy. I need to be selfish sometimes and if I’m not up for going out or ready to go home early then I need to allow myself to say no, and not feel guilty for it.

4. Try help the planet a little more.

One thing that really aggravates me is when people say, ‘but me alone isn’t going to change anything, is it?’ well no with that attitude you’re not. This year I want to try and do my bit to try and not destroy the planet even more than it already is. I want to do a meat-free day a week. Buy less fast fashion. I want to buy a bamboo toothbrush and biodegradable makeup wipes to try and reduce the amount of waste I’m sending to landfill. These are just a starting point in my head at the moment, but if anyone else has any more suggestions, I would love to hear them!

5. Create more art.

Funnily enough, TikTok has actually inspired me to do more art. I was just scrolling along one day when multiple art videos came up of oil painting. It inspired me so much I asked for oil paints and canvases for Christmas. I want to have more fun with art and just experiment with it, not worrying whether people see it as good or not. I want to try and find my art style and be able to express myself.

6. Read more.

As a child I used to constantly read, and I loved getting so involved with a storyline and the characters. I feel like I’ve lost that bit of excitement and I would like to read more books this year, maybe just before bed to help me wind down instead of going on my phone or watching Netflix. Also, I feel like I have lost part of my vocabulary so feel like this will help it expand again.

7. Be more positive.

I feel like the past few months of last year I became quite negative and down about things, meaning I wasn’t really enjoying much of what I was doing. However, I believe if I try have a much more positive outlook on things, then hopefully I will end up happier. I really do need to count my blessings and I’m extremely grateful for what I have, but I think sometimes I need to remind myself of that.

So, there’s my resolutions for this year! Hopefully I can look back on this in the next 12 months and tick these things off, feeling a lot fitter and happier, travelling the world, creating some art and reading some books along the way, doing what I want, and ultimately, with a positive outlook on life.

Happy new year! x


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