At a time where we have to stay indoors, I’m finding it incredibly hard to see why I would bother getting ready for my day when I could stay in my fluffy pyjamas. I’m not going to lie, I’m finding it to be a very strange time, like I’m sure many others are as well, at a time where so much uncertainty and the unknown are hovering over us like a seagull at the beach.
When we first went into lockdown, I decided I would become my most natural self; no lashes, no nails, no tan, and no makeup. I thought I would dig out a new love for my natural self, but as the days went by, I just didn’t like my reflection and that love was nowhere to be found. With social media telling me it’s the perfect time to have a cleanse and detox, I felt guilty for wanting to slap on a bit of tan. This led me to be a bit sad, going further into not really getting ready for my day, staying in bed with my pyjamas on and not brushing my hair. Therefore, this attitude didn’t help me mentally either. I didn’t feel like I was being productive, which led me going into a slump and just staying in bed watching a bit of Youtube. I couldn’t get into the productive headspace and was beating myself up over it. So, after having a chat with my Mom, I came to the decision that I would tan that night and, in the morning, slap a bit of concealer on.

Now, I know you’re probably thinking I’m a shallow person for thinking about my appearance in a time like this, but when we’re required to stay inside (which you most definitely should be doing) and not see anyone outside of our households, it does take a toll on you mentally. I thought, why not? If I can help myself that little bit more by ordering some stick-on nails from Amazon, I will.
It is actually proven that the way we dress does affect our moods. The big question is whether you wear clothing that reflects your mood, or if you wear clothing to change your mood? Researchers from the University of Queensland interviewed people and observed their clothing choices to find out. More often than not, we dress how we’d like to feel or how we’d like others to think we’re feeling. In other words, we put on a jumper with a smiley face even if we’re feeling down, in an attempt to lift our mood. And surprisingly it works, especially if we wear clothing that has gotten us compliments in the past or is something that brings back good memories. So, in a way, we’re tricking our own minds, but if something as simple as getting properly dressed and putting makeup on could so positively help me, I was going to do it.
This did have an effect on me mentally and I felt myself actually wanting to do things with my day and be somewhat productive. The routine of getting up and washing my face, putting on some makeup, and a comfy outfit that wasn’t pyjamas did kind of reset my mind and slot me back into what I was doing before we were put in lockdown (feels like I’m talking about a different decade doesn’t it, not a matter of weeks). Now, don’t get me wrong, I am still having pyjama days, and I just want to say there is nothing wrong with that. I feel like social media is telling us what we should and shouldn’t be doing with our days at the minute, but you need to remember that decision is down to you. There’s no need to feel guilty that you’re still in your Minnie Mouse fluffy pjs at 12pm because some beauty influencer is saying you need to be up at the crack of dawn and do yoga in your garden. You do what you want to do, and what is best for you mentally.
Stay safe everyone x