The second stage to our project was ideas. Now, this is a stage that sounds simple but can actually be quite hard to wrap around. Why? We see outcomes, we don’t see the ideas that came before them. If you can imagine or visualise your ‘idea’, chances are it’s probably an outcome.
We needed to come up with a statement that summed our basic idea up. I actually found it easier to work backwards, think of a possible outcome and then think about why I wanted to do that and what I was trying to achieve through it. This seemed to make the process a lot easier.
I made a series of mind maps, beginning with my initial ideas.

I thought of the idea to celebrate monumental eras in British History. This stemmed from AllSaints’ campaign called ‘Since 1994’, where they celebrated their origins, 90s London. I thought I could play on this with ‘Since 1969’, celebrating the 60s for their fashion, culture, and music.
However, as I began jotting down my thoughts, I realised there were still aspects of research I needed to do to grasp a better understanding of the context. So, even though I thought I had exhausted context, I had a long way to go. I did further research on the year 1969, as it had popped up a few times on the S/S 20 catwalk. I soon found the relevance of the year with the Hippie movement to be with the music festival, Woodstock. 1969 was the first year it ran, making it a monumental moment. I thought this worked with the musical link because AllSaints already have a good link to the music industry.

However, I needed to think how to collaborate 60s florals with the grungey style of AllSaints, so I researched other styles from the 60s. I came across 60s Rockers, or leather boys, which fitted the leather look of AllSaints. This further research made me refine my ideas and thoughts more, knowing I wanted to focus on Hippies and Rockers. However, my original idea was to celebrate era in British history and Woodstock was an American festival. This was easily changed by taking out British and would still work, as AllSaints as a brand are well established in America.

I then compared AllSaints’ social media to other established fashion brands. Through the survey I conducted, I found 92.2% of people who answered did not follow AllSaints on any form of social media. Those who did followed on Instagram, so I began there. I personally didn’t find anything particularly special about their Instagram, which is why I started thinking about improving that, especially as I have a digital outcome.

I did many more things of research and mind mapping, to finally come to a very busy, but more refined mind map.

I came up with the outcome of creating a video campaign named ‘Since 1969’, and then using that and posting it all over AllSaints’ social media, promoting the brand and their clothing. The idea behind this was to celebrate the individuality and love of the 60s, through music, culture, and fashion. I would focus on Hippies and Rockers, two very different styles but fitting with prints from the past and the brand.
Next stage, concepts!