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how have i got to fcp?

Writer's picture: goosegoose

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

As I’ve been sitting here debating what my first post should be, I feel like the best way to start is from the start! I thought I should explain how I got here in the first place and why. I have started university at Nottingham Trent studying ‘Fashion Communication & Promotion’. I actually applied to Nottingham last year, although withdrew my application after my artistic doubts. I had studied quite academic A-Levels; History, English Literature, and Spanish, and felt overwhelmed by a fashion course due to my A-Levels not being fashion or art based. I knew fashion was something I wanted to explore further rather than any of my A-Levels, so I looked into alternatives to make me feel more comfortable.

I began college last year specialising in Fashion Communication in an Art & Design course. This course was extremely beneficial for me, making me feel a lot more comfortable with things such as Photoshop, as well as gaining more of an awareness of designers and brands. Despite being jealous of my friends loving uni across the country whilst I was home a year behind, I’m thankful I did the course because it opened my eyes into the fashion industry. It increased my desire to do a ‘Fashion Communication and Promotion’ course and made me more excited for what was yet to come! Although, since starting the course here at Nottingham, I need not worry about anything, as they have eased us in and assured us we will be taught the essential skills across the next three years, no matter what background we’ve come from.

One of the main reasons for why I was interested in this course was because of how broad it is, focussing on many different aspects of the fashion industry, from styling and photography, to trend forecasting and buying. Because I don’t know specifically what field I want to specialise in, it is increasing my enthusiasm to find the thing that makes me tick and what I want to do in my life. Therefore, each day is an exciting one, I could be learning about my future career!

I’ve moved away from home as I’m originally from near Birmingham, so it is not too far away from Nottingham which is nice. I think I was more homesick the first couple of weeks than I thought I would be, so I tried making Nottingham feel as much as a home as I could. Nottingham is a city I really liked when visiting for open days, which I think is a very important thing when considering a university, you’ve got to like the area surrounding you. I’ve found some fun vintage clothing shops which I love looking round in because you can find some absolute steals in them, I find them better than high-street shops nowadays. I’ve started a list on my phone of any cute cafes I’ve seen, ones perfect for that little blog session, as well anywhere that just looks nice to watch the world go by. I think exploring my new city has made me feel a lot more comfortable for where I am, with it starting to feel more familiar, more like a home.

I am beyond excited for the next few weeks with starting more projects in FCP, meeting new people, and finding cute places to visit around Nottingham. Exciting times ahead!!


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